Author Topic: Christian News Network fundies  (Read 188174 times)

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Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #300 on: August 10, 2017, 10:19:16 pm »
Unrelated post:

Am I not making sense here? Are you guys getting what I'm saying? "He's biased lol" is NOT. AN. ARGUMENT. Refuting an argument takes EFFORT. You have to dig, and read. You have to research. It's HARD.

You can't just respond to a well-written, well-cited piece with "yea but ur biased!" And think you've accomplished something.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #301 on: August 10, 2017, 11:24:15 pm »
He's incredibly good at button pushing. But I guess it's easy to have your buttons pushed when you want to discuss facts, evidence, and data in the Land of Circular Arguments and Question Dodging.

That's why I say he is a troll, he's good at button pushing but his posts are second only to Amos for stupidity.  I think he knows this and is trying to get our reactions.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #302 on: August 11, 2017, 01:43:56 am »
You can't just respond to a well-written, well-cited piece with "yea but ur biased!"

So true and the denial is getting stronger. Although I will say that when I was reviewing DDT research, it got to the point where I could flip to the back and see who funded the study and then predict with very high accuracy the conclusions of the research.

By-the-way we have been outed as a tag team.
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Offline CrowFood

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #303 on: August 11, 2017, 08:40:19 am »
Unrelated post:

Am I not making sense here? Are you guys getting what I'm saying? "He's biased lol" is NOT. AN. ARGUMENT. Refuting an argument takes EFFORT. You have to dig, and read. You have to research. It's HARD.

You can't just respond to a well-written, well-cited piece with "yea but ur biased!" And think you've accomplished something.
I mean...they're arguing that bias is disqualifying, then you can say the entirety of the Christian news network is invalid reporting due to having a clear bias in terms of Christianity. They argue they have the objective truth, you argue it's not if people disagree, and then you ram your head repeatedly into a wall...ok, maybe not a great idea

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #304 on: August 11, 2017, 01:35:19 pm »
Jerome/Jason/Matthew T. Mason posted a rant about big bad mean old Zampogna coming back under a new name to be a big bad meanie to everyone.

This showed up in response to him.  It may not last long up there but I would like to see it saved for posterity because it dishes him a solid punch in the mouth he's been deserving for a long time.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 02:50:30 pm by Jocasta »
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Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #305 on: August 11, 2017, 02:21:48 pm »
Jerome/Jason/Matthew T. Mason posted a rant about big bad mean old Zampogna coming back under a new name to be a big bad meanie to everyone.

This showed up in response to him.  It may not last long up there but I would like to see it saved for posterity because it dishes him a solid punch in the mouth he's been deserving for a long time.

Your picture doesn't work. But in any event, I'd love it if someone could get through to him that anger, rudeness, and insults are not substitutes for evidence or a demonstrated understanding of a topic.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #306 on: August 11, 2017, 02:28:54 pm »
Your picture doesn't work. But in any event, I'd love it if someone could get through to him that anger, rudeness, and insults are not substitutes for evidence or a demonstrated understanding of a topic.

Third party hosting PBTHPBTHTPTH.

I'll fix it shortly. Photobucket is a load of ass.

PS.  Has anyone looked at his posts on Twitter, under his real name Matthew T. Mason?  They are pretty much what you would expect.  He looks like someone who will block you when he can't handle the heat and has a face that makes me want to slap the crap out of it. His writeup says "Christian conservative. Nice, friendly guy, but be warned: My patience is not infinite."

What the hey, he has a public account on Twitter so there's no harm in posting it:

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 03:24:31 pm by Jocasta »
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #307 on: August 11, 2017, 06:27:49 pm »
Jerome formerly Todd posted,
“Whoa: Ambulance Chaser and Michael C are the same person? How do you know this?”

A lively back and forth with someone, whose message was deleted and Amos. Is going on at

Reminds me of one of my favorite spy movies. Actually the entire BBC series Sandbaggers is outstanding. Trigger alert, I said outstanding NOT pleasant or enjoyable. Anyway one of my favorite episodes is, “All in a Good Cause

The interesting part is to watch it a second time and declare, “Lie” every time a character says something that the character does indeed know to be a lie.

Addendum: Do Not watch this on Youtube. It has been badly edited.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 06:30:10 pm by Bob J. »
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #308 on: August 11, 2017, 09:12:33 pm »
Why do I bother talking to Jerome? He's literally immune to facts and evidence. I don't mean the facts that I show him, I mean the concept of evidence itself.

He thinks that stomping your foot and repeating your point with great vehemence constitutes making an argument. He thinks saying "I already proved that" is proving a point. He thinks repeating anecdotes and screaming "you're biased!" constitute refuting one. He thinks referencing scientific journals is a fallacious appeal to to authority so when I told him I had 79 articles in peer reviewed journals to prove my point he sneered and showed me a YouTube video. When I cite Supreme Court rulings in legal discussions, he tells me he "doesn't care what 9 people in black robes say."

And then he calls me stupid.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #309 on: August 11, 2017, 10:09:15 pm »
Why do I bother talking to Jerome? ..............And then he calls me stupid.
AC... don't sweat it. I just blasted Jerome for you. I know you and you are a very honest man. so he said blocked, but I think he forgot to block me.
Anyway This was my post to Jerome, and since it will likely be gone shortly, I thought I'd repaste it here.

MamaBearly Jerome Horwitz • 2 minutes ago
Do you have sex with your wife in front of your children to show them what Straight Sex is?
Do you talk about your sex life with your wife in front of your children?
I pray the answer to both those questions is no.
So gays are just people, they don't think they have to talk about the act of sex with young children either.
I know you hate to even consider this, but each and every gay person? They are JUST LIKE YOU!
They even commit sins, just like you!
And they just want to be left alone by people just like you!
What is it that you don't understand about Jesus' commandment to love everyone? Is there something confusing in those words?
Do you think that Jesus would want any of his children to be crude and rude to anyone at all; certainly he would not want you act in any way
unbecoming to a Christian who represents Jesus? You should try to ask yourself what would Jesus do before you jump right in with negativity and stop before you are not showing proper manners.
So please be less harsh with everyone considering you don't know if anyone here is actually homosexual, or if they are supporters just of gays Equal Rights, which Jesus would not deny anyone. Equal rights has nothing to do with the sex act that is their sin.
Even their marriage is dependent on the sin of homosexuality so it's not even a second sin. Can't get married without first being homosexual. One sin, not TWO. without one the other cannot happen and so since both are against God's Word, and all sin is punishable by the same way, so having the sin of homosexuality is THE sin. Without it, the second one does not happen and if they turn to Jesus at any time, he will forgive their sins. You can't even stop that from happening when it does.
So I think you should back off from people who have a sin, because you sin too. Jesus told us that we are not to judge because we are sinners. He even showed us that with the Adulteress. No one is without sin, and any man that says he is, is a liar. Sound familiar?
So other than telling homosexuals about Salvation, and repentance and the benefits they can have because of Jesus, you are to leave them alone. Just like you don't go to your neighbour across the street and ask them their sins so you can admonish them, you don't go and be anything but loving to every single person to show your light and give glory to God. Read the gospel over again and see that Jesus never said to punish anyone, and he told us to walk away as long as the person knows about salvation. So instead of talking so negatively on this board, how about some discussion without the casting of stones. Most boys grow out of doing that anyway when they become adults. That's when they know how to discuss and not just bicker too.
I am pretty sure you understand what I am saying. I get the impression that you have an obvious disconnect from Jesus.
Maybe if you start treating people the way you want to be treated, you will be reconnected.
I try not to get too angry with people who say they are Christians then give Jesus' name a bad reputation by the way they behave. Sometimes I come across someone who is like a slap in the face for any Christian who follows Jesus.
Jesus said that all of us are to do this: LOVE each other, and treat each other the way we want to be treated. There isn't any exceptions in that command.
So get off your "I'm superior to you" attitude, because you are not only not superior to anyone else, you are supposed to be humble according to Jesus' word. When I was a child, and with my own children, I was told this: if you can't say anything nice (notice that is nice, not nicely) do not say anything at all. You attempt to say things that are a put down, in a nicely manner. Just short of being outspokenly rude.
ACT LIKE JESUS! Show people that we as Christians are GOOD people not mean people who act like we are superior to them. By acting without love, you are going into the darkness, and I'm sure you know what that means. Walk back into the light and start loving everyone. even sinners.
Forgive others their trespasses, and your Father will forgive yours. If you do not forgive others their trespasses, your Father will not forgive yours either

I wish I had an angel icon to put here.  ;D

I hope I sounded stern and not too judgmental.. or even.. He's like Amos, and that Ted W. guy; they get right on my last nerve at the first, and it is my reflex nerve and it really depends on which reflex it is, on how he might be in the way. Fist or boot?
Then after I wrote this I realized it was Jason Todd when he told me he was blocking me. hahahahaha

The Fundies are all class bullies that grew up to be Christian Bullies, is that right?  :o

Hope you enjoy!

Oh and if you read this carefully I discovered the way to get past the marriage part of the problem Christians have.
I'll post it next...
God Bless you all!!
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #310 on: August 11, 2017, 10:56:57 pm »
I wish I had an angel icon to put here.  ;D

Maybe you need a whole new icon.

May I suggest

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #311 on: August 11, 2017, 11:22:15 pm »
I still find it hilarious that "Jerome" is blasting Garbage Adams for being Zampogna, meanwhile the guy has been outed as Jason Todd AND Slidellman4life.  What an ABSOLUTE hypocrite.

And AC, no, there's no point in going back and forth with him.  My goal is to get him banned again.  Not hard to do, he breaks the rules constantly by being discourteous.  That's how Jason Todd was banned initially, someone told the Christian News Network moderators to read his posts through a single thread and asked why he hadn't been banned based on his blatant rule-breaking.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #312 on: August 12, 2017, 12:43:28 am »
Why do I bother talking to Jerome?

TheReal -PapaSnarf
Great Dear Leader
Shame-sung CEO

Where do find your friends?
You seem to attract them like flies to .... well, Sharon wants us to keep it clean.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #313 on: August 12, 2017, 07:59:08 am »
Why do I bother talking to Jerome?

TheReal -PapaSnarf
Great Dear Leader
Shame-sung CEO

Where do find your friends?
You seem to attract them like flies to .... well, Sharon wants us to keep it clean.

I feel like some of those might be socks he's keeping in reserve for the next ban.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #314 on: August 12, 2017, 09:18:13 am »
Why do I bother talking to Jerome?

TheReal -PapaSnarf
Great Dear Leader
Shame-sung CEO

Where do find your friends?
You seem to attract them like flies to .... well, Sharon wants us to keep it clean.

Well, gee Bob, it seems to me A.C. finds his friends the same place we did.  ::)

So far, I have not heard a word from anyone about that post. Moderator took the night off?

Oh and by the way, I have no problem with you all being yourselves. I was brought up with 3 males, and I had 3 sons, along with the fact that I was in my 50's before I started following Jesus. I am able to longsuffer people who are different than I am. Oh, I can love them too!  ;D

Seriously guys, something like "to attract them like flies to dung" is not a problem hahahahahaha ok ok so the word shit is a minor - what, swear word - any way. Please don't curb your language too much for me. If you think with every second word being a curse word, then yeah, I'd rather not see the curse words if that is the case.
Thanks though for the thought. I do prefer not to hear it, but I recognize that it isn't likely that I won't hear it in this world. The words I view as 'swear words' are almost common, unconsciously said words now. It's too bad people are not encouraged to use their minds to find other words like we were encouraged to do. But when I go out into the world, I have to be able to cope with any differences from my faith that there are, or I will never go out at all into the world, or you know, I could just go quietly insane... heehee
I'm doing another post for Jerome. I am ashamed at what I wrote when I reread it this morning... wait, not what I wrote, but the way I wrote. I just felt that man had to have a good shake and really I just thought of something... isn't that the way they think Jesus was? Stern and outspoken? "Not holding anything back" I think a Fundie said, with regard to how Jesus reprimanded sinners - in other words, scribes and Pharisee - Maybe it will reach someone anyway. I should not have been so sarcastic at times either. I just need to find something else to try to fight back with, because they do not take the Gospel into consideration, and they must to know the love that Jesus had for all of us was not just a stern forbidding love.
I guess I will pray for direction and wait for an answer. He knows the right way to go much better than I.
I did however find the right words to say how I feel about Christians that do not behave with love, and that they are ruining Jesus' reputation by acting like they do to anyone. It should make people think, not that it could change a Fundies mind, but it might have someone else reading thinking and rejecting those ideas of the Fundies. I still have HOPE!!
I'm thinking of taking a few days off again. I'm going through a very tired phase I sometimes go through. It won't be long, and I'll be back.. Blessings!!
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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