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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2017, 10:15:22 pm »
I have a friend who studied theology. He had an interesting take on Christian fundamentalism. In his mind, the purpose of fundamentalism is to use scripture justify and propagate one's own beliefs, effectively making themselves their own God. My experience with other religions is limited, but at least in Christianity, fundamentalism I've seen is about personal status rather than practicing a faith. It's why fundies take it so personally when you cite things running contrary: you're not insulting their beliefs, you're insulting them and taking away their power. And they do want power. It's why they are such petty tyrants.

In response to Sharon, condemnation of sin is in the hands of God alone according to the Bible, but...think about what I just said about fundamentalism. They see condemning others as justified because they've set themselves up as God.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2017, 12:14:16 am »
Thanks Crowfood That was very interesting. I've been learning a lot about Fundies here as everyone is so kind to me. I have learned more to be able to use the tools as the way to ummmm  ::) 'sink their battleships' in a quicker manner.
So I've been working on a couple of ways to put the different ways Fundies try to insist they are right, so I can cut and paste the best match instead of going to so much trouble for scriptures etc. I'm using some of my battle with Amos as a guide.
Any information that can be of use, please don't hesitate to let me know.  ;)
I'm also preparing some scriptures and rebukes ahead of time about the gays. ;D
God bless Crowfood! and thanks again for the perception lesson of the ego of a Fundie.
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2017, 11:39:03 pm »
I had so much fun today posting a reply to Sandralee and Peanut Butter! I found 2 really neat things to put them off their pedestal.
The first is a game called WWJD. For these 2 I put them like this:
Let’s play WWJD about this. What do you think Jesus would do in each case?
1. Would Jesus tell anyone to starve because of their sin?
2. Would he not allow anyone to have an apartment or roof over their heads, food
and water? Because of their sin?
3. Would Jesus tell anyone that they have no right to eat at a restaurant. Because
of their sin?
4. Would Jesus tell anyone to punish sinners here while we are here on Earth, instead
of leaving ALL PUNISHMENT to Jesus. Because of their sin?

Would Jesus tell us that us that the 2nd  of the last commandments [of which there is only 2;] is one of the 2 that could be ignored because we are supposed to hate someone’s sin - which is none of anyone’s business except Jesus' in the first place?
It’s up to Jesus to hear confessions of sins and repentance, not ours. It is Jesus that will forgive us our sins, not you or the others that believe as you do.
And not only that, Sandralee, I don’t live the way I live, following Jesus our Lord -
for you, - I live this way for Jesus. ONLY.  ;D
So if you think I am wrong, go talk to him again. Read the scriptures and prove that there was any harshness when Jesus spoke to anyone. If there had been it would have been pointed out. Please don’t point out the Scribes and the Pharisee or the church of the money lenders.
I should warn you that you won’t find it.  :)

Then later in my lovely long ramble, lol, I said this:
So tell me what kind of things you say when you encounter any gays, Sandralee.
Do you rebuke them and tell them they are damned to Hell, Sandralee?
What do you say to the gays on a platform when you want to tell them their sins, and rebuke them right there in the public’s face?
Oh yeah, and would you want anyone to do that to you, anything that you would do to them?
Put yourself in their place as a sinner, not necessarily gay, but a sinner as we are, every one of us.

Now take away your home/apartment….

Now take away your food, water, and anything you use in your daily life….

Take away your ability to go into any store you want to buy clothes in.

Take away your ability to choose which restaurant you are able to eat in….

And now put into place, the people who will humiliate, and demean you with words,
so everyone in the whole world thinks you are worthless and should not have any
rights until you repent and accept the hope of Salvation.

How does that fit for you?

As a sinner, this is what you are saying is the right way to treat a sinner. Homosexuality is no bigger a sin as any other sin. God is no respecter of persons. One will not get more or less than the other sinner that does not repent. He does not care who you are if you are determined to sin without repentance. Everyone will have the same punishment, for sins Period. It’s in the scriptures.

I am feeling good mostly because I stopped myself from saying anything with bad intention, so I kept my Christians' light in tact. ;D
I don't think I thought about the last prod for understanding - the treat people the way you want to be treated, came right out of no where. lol. I am however, going to give God the glory for it. He has been helping me with my posts so I can't deny him the glory!

So, how do you guys like these for Fundies? They are going to be hard pressed to talk their way out of both of these, I think. I am praying!
I think I'm getting closer to the solution with these ideas, guys. Of course, Fundies won't approve, but maybe some of the Christians that aren't Fundies will rethink what they do to gays.   
I'm feeling good tonight and all ready for church tomorrow! Good night all, and Good morning all! God bless!

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2017, 03:17:26 am »

So, how do you guys like these for Fundies? They are going to be hard pressed to talk their way out of both of these, I think.

Great writing. Your two longish posts really did a good job of laying out a different, Jesus oriented world view.

Even better, I liked your short, clear rebuttals to Jason Todd and “Mr goody…”  I think you devastated their position and clearly challenged them to defend their hateful point of view. Your support of MCow was masterful in how you used his remarks to reinforce and expand on Jesus’ gospel.

The real proof will come from them, if and when they try to answer. You will learn from the responses to those posts and your next salvo will be even better.

High Fives to you.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2017, 08:37:25 pm »
Trigger Warning: Contains language considered offensive even in the day Mark Twain wrote. This book constantly ranks near the top in banned books (but then so does the Bible).

“From: Mark Twain. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”

So I was full of trouble, full as I could be; and didn't know what to do. At last I had an idea; and I says, I'll go and write the letter—and then see if I can pray. Why, it was astonishing, the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off, and my troubles all gone. So I got a piece of paper and a pencil, all glad and excited, and set down and wrote:

Miss Watson, your runaway nigger Jim is down here two mile below Pikesville, and Mr. Phelps has got him and he will give him up for the reward if you send.   HUCK FINN.

I felt good and all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. But I didn't do it straight off, but laid the paper down and set there thinking—thinking how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell. And went on thinking. And got to thinking over our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me all the time: in the day and in the night-time, sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms, and we a-floating along, talking and singing and laughing. But somehow I couldn't seem to strike no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind. I'd see him standing my watch on top of his'n, 'stead of calling me, so I could go on sleeping; and see him how glad he was when I come back out of the fog; and when I come to him again in the swamp, up there where the feud was; and such-like times; and would always call me honey, and pet me, and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was; and at last I struck the time I saved him by telling the men we had smallpox aboard, and he was so grateful, and said I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only one he's got now; and then I happened to look around and see that paper.

“It was a close place. I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself:

"All right, then, I'll go to hell"—and tore it up. ”

Sharon, you speak often of Salvation. Every church, every Christian has differing views of what Salvation will be. What exactly will happen to people both saved and unsaved after you die, where and for how long.

And like with Mark Twain and his character Huck Finn, are there family, friendships, causes, or ideals for which, you will forfeit Salvation? Not by ignorance or lack of will power, but instead with full knowing - is there anything in this world more important than your own, personal, selfish Salvation? And it is selfish, you are fighting for your Salvation. You can not share it. You can not give it to someone else. Your Salvation is for you alone. You may help others to try and achieve salvation, but in the end, you are on a sinking raft, will you give up your life-jacket for something or someone else?

Reflections on what this Salvation means (common claims that I have heard)…
We will have no memories of family and friends who rejected Jesus. (If so, then how can I claim to be me with no memory of the important aspects of this life?)

Heaven is a place where I will be in eternal bliss, enjoy my days with the other elect, possibly Fred Phelps and Amos, and all the other saved souls. (Or a Heaven made up of just people like me, no need for contemplation. Views that never conflict or change. No tasks that need doing. And I suppose a mind so numb that I wouldn’t notice.)

We will be sipping our cool drinks while watching friends and family burn in the Lake of Fire. (Does not sound like a place I want to spend ANY time.)

Hitchens has liked Heaven to North Korea - a place where you spend eternity telling God and Jesus how great they are.(Im not sure that is right for me.)

So, Sharon, what exactly and in detail is Salvation for you? What is worth so much that you would abandon all that you are, your mind, your thoughts, Ambulance Chaser, King of Rhye, Jocasta, CrowFood, your pets, your favorite uncle and many others?

The first NobleTruth is, All life is suffering. Maybe it is all of existence is suffering. I will not  live my life in fear of eternal pain. And I will judge may friends during this life. I choice those people, who bring comfort to those least amoung us.

Free will is about choice, freely made. Huckleberry Finn knew what he was doing and tore up the letter.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2017, 11:55:02 pm »
Ok Crowfood,
I'm going to give them to you here since it does not look like I can attach them to a PM.

First one is a crow with full body  for one avatar. And the other is the head of a crow with food in it's mouth. Guess what I thought username that would be a great avatar for?

I am honoured that you will accept my photographs as your avatar.  ;D

Ironically, I believe this is a crow, but it is very confusing because it is brown and I think it has brown eyes. I'm asking friends if anyone can identify it but I think it is a crow. SMH it fits a crow better than any other bird.
Enjoy and let me know if you need any changes, or even another picture, of a crow or anything I have to offer.  I have photographs that are of anything that caught my eye wherever I walked with my dog. I have bees, wasps, dragon flies (did you know they have faces like we do?) snails, and squirrels Cardinals Blue Jays, and sparrows .. whole families of the last two birds.
Blue Jay babies look like pterodactyls when they are screaming to be fed. lol
I'm willing to make anything I have into an avatar if it's possible.
Enjoy and God bless!
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2017, 11:11:58 am »
Trigger Warning: Contains language considered offensive even in the day Mark Twain wrote. This book constantly ranks near the top in banned books (but then so does the Bible).

“From: Mark Twain. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”

So I was full of trouble, full as I could be; and didn't know what to do. At last I had an idea; and I says, I'll go and write the letter—and then see if I can pray. Why, it was astonishing, the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off, and my troubles all gone. So I got a piece of paper and a pencil, all glad and excited, and set down and wrote:

Miss Watson, your runaway nigger Jim is down here two mile below Pikesville, and Mr. Phelps has got him and he will give him up for the reward if you send.   HUCK FINN.

I felt good and all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. But I didn't do it straight off, but laid the paper down and set there thinking—thinking how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell. And went on thinking. And got to thinking over our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me all the time: in the day and in the night-time, sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms, and we a-floating along, talking and singing and laughing. But somehow I couldn't seem to strike no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind. I'd see him standing my watch on top of his'n, 'stead of calling me, so I could go on sleeping; and see him how glad he was when I come back out of the fog; and when I come to him again in the swamp, up there where the feud was; and such-like times; and would always call me honey, and pet me, and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was; and at last I struck the time I saved him by telling the men we had smallpox aboard, and he was so grateful, and said I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only one he's got now; and then I happened to look around and see that paper.

“It was a close place. I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself:

"All right, then, I'll go to hell"—and tore it up. ”

I'm afraid I don't remember much about this book because it was read when I was quite young. The story tells of a child, who found the lord, and had to choose a friend, over a law, and over what his conscience told him about selling out on a friend.
God would not see that as something a Christian should do, without praying for his direction. Sometimes, it is better for you to stay out of things, or even better if you help, rather than hinder. I guess I believe that Jesus will look at a situation before he condemns someone's sin, because he can see our hearts. What the boy did took love and Jesus wants us to love. I honestly cannot say that I could be sure of how Jesus would look at it, because of the element of love, and the boy did not consider repenting for the sin of not tattling on his friend, which is how you must deal with sin.
The fact that there is love in his decision covers the sin that he committed, and justifies his actions, I believe is what is said, that there are some sins, covered by love, where Jesus will justify the people for some things.

I'm still working on the rest of the post, but I will post it when I am happy with it.
God bless!

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2017, 12:24:06 pm »
Sharon said:
I believe that if I know more people's way of looking and believing because of that view, I can get better understanding of the scriptures myself.

To be a Christian…

The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

That is all that is required. Everything else is optional. No brownie points for proselytizing, no requirement to repent, stop, or even acknowledge sins - the unconditional forgiveness of sins is by Jesus. He will judge us - we will be known by our fruits.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 03:59:40 am by Bob J. »
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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #38 on: August 06, 2017, 12:25:28 pm »
I believe that if I know more people's way of looking and believing because of that view, I can get better understanding of the scriptures myself.

I don't use other bibles but the KJV, so I always translate them

I am taking your first quote seriously, here is how I view scripture.
What follows are my views of the Bible. Do not despair as you read the first few paragraphs, for in the end it is the Good News as promised.

What we read today, in the King James Version or any other version of the Bible simply can not be the inerrant Word of God.  There are several lines of reasoning to justify this statement. And in fact the idea of Biblical inerrancy is only about 200 years old.

First, let us assume that indeed God spoke directly to Moses and the Gospel writers. Jesus spoke Aramaic, the oldest fragments of the Gospels are in Greek So the best and possibly most authentic text is already a translation and interpretation of Jesus’ ministry. The Gospels we have are the combination of several different texts. with in some cases major differences. These, our oldest copies date to 4th century - single copies, already hand copied for over 300 years.

To find that the most Holy of books was not cherished and preserved by early Christians for the first few centuries does not speak well to the historical importance of our current gospels. Next the Roman Catholic Church picked what books now comprise our Bible leaving out that which did not support the Church of Rome. The seven Ecumenical Councils that established the orthodox Christianity that we have today where probably the most political meetings ever held. This is why today we “understand’ the Bible to include the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity, interpretations introduced by the winning church.

One thousand three hundred years later, in 1604, King James gave translators instructions to ensure that the new version reflected the episcopal structure of the Church of England. While the King James version did use Greek texts it also relied heavily on the Vulgate, a Latin translation of the Bible. So we have spoken Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English. Paul of course wrote in Greek so those translations are somewhat easier. The KJV Old Testament also includes Hebrew and Koine Greek (Septuagint) texts. The King James Bible was completed in 1611, nine years later the Pilgrims sailed to America to separate from this Church of England.

Second, those that wrote the Bible did not have the vocabulary to understand many modern concepts. Penicillin grows on bread. It has been with us since before Moses. Indeed it would have been part of the Creator’s work. Yet in the five books that Moses wrote, telling us how to sacrifice goat, sheep, and dove to cure the ills of man, never once is the production and use of penicillin mentioned. Today, when I visit the pharmacy there are no animal cages. The pharmacist no longer speaks of balancing the four Humors. So even tho God has inspired and directed the scripture and even if those first writers copied the Word perfectly, it would not have made it past the scribes. All that hand copying for thousands of years before the printing press was invented would have transformed the Word into something those earlier readers would understand. So it is with many concepts, sins and demons replaced the many ancient gods as the driving forces behinds man’s behavior.

Third, all of the gospels are anonymous only later were the Apostle’s names added as authors to the texts. And the historians point to the gospels being written after the fall of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, thirty years after the death of Jesus. I do not trust my own memory of thirty years ago. So when the writers of the gospels chose words can I be sure of the exact word choice? Indeed reading different gospels shows me that even then the gospel’s authors did not agree on many of the details.

So the text we read today is the composite text of thousands of copying and translating across vastly different times and languages. To assume all those people were inspired with accuracy from God would lead to the conclusion that both yours and Amos’ are correct.

Yes, there is an entire field of Christian Apologetics. It can explain by adding much detail not found in scripture how the death of Judas occurred. But a far simpler answer is that men wrote these accounts to make a point, to provide a narrative for how to live in society.

And now the Good News. The laws of the Old Testament keep a fragile warworn society together for centuries. The New Testament is a subset of those laws and is still a good model for living 2000 years later. The New Testament is one of the greatest wisdoms books  of all time, that simply must be read. It has surpassed all the other wisdom books for applicability in western civilization. Indeed it is the foundation stone of much modern thinking.

And why is it such a great book of wisdom. Because for almost any subject Reason2012 and  Amos can find scripture and you or I can find different scripture. Where and how we look tells us who we are and what wisdom we are seeking. It is easy to find conflicting solutions. The other day Ambulance Chaser gave us examples of precedence with American law. Precedence also applies to Moral Law. Discernment  and wise counsel is required of the reader to chose which law to follow with differing Biblical messages. And on Judgement Day, it is not by our good works, nor by our sins, for we all have them, but it is by our choices.   

And reading the Bible is still an inspiration to people today. I read the Bible primarily metaphorically, western society no longer stones adulterers and misbehaving children. I am not one to cure people with exorcism to drive out demons. So yes, I ignore parts of the Biblical commandments. And read other parts, such as Revelation with an eye toward history, but that is another post.

additional reading on Biblical inerrancy
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 02:06:51 pm by Bob J. »
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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2017, 12:27:04 pm »
Sharon wrote:
It's the sign of the Beast! It's saying everyone will end up with this technology so it is the way the Beast is supposed to begin it's take over attempts.
Now this is creepy to read about... But at least I know I am safe with Jesus. Maybe I don't worry, but this is still creepy to think about coming true so quickly.
Yes, Revelation13 speaks of this.
I think I'll re-read Revelations to refresh my mind about it specifically.

I first heard of this mark and number with the US Social Security Numbers issued to American citizen for taxing the population. In fact, every generation has believed that they where the final people. This technology in the past has included, electric lights and telephones.

However, when John of Patmos wrote Revelation in the first century, Christians would have know what he was talking about and 2,000 years later Martin Luther King used the same literary technique, “I have a dream”

Here is that historical interpretation of Chapter 13 of Revelation.
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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2017, 09:48:04 pm »

So even tho God has inspired and directed the scripture and even if those first writers copied the Word perfectly, it would not have made it past the scribes. All that hand copying for thousands of years before the printing press was invented would have transformed the Word into something those earlier readers would understand. So it is with many concepts, sins and demons replaced the many ancient gods as the driving forces behinds man’s behavior."

For this I will reply quicker, as I believe in God as Omnipotent. If the Lord put the scriptures in anyone's mind, he would ensure that it was what He wanted to be in it, and he would ensure that it never changed what it was teaching to us. The bible is as much a tool to help us understand what God wanted, and Who God Is, [in many kinds of hats/ names,] as it is history.

God was trying to teach the people of the Old Testament to trust him to take care of them. To trust him to provide for them. He wanted his creation to freely follow him, so he gave us free will. He was angry (hated) about the people who sinned by refusing to follow him, their creator, and yet he loved them, as much as all the other people. He found that no matter what sin the people committed that was not repented for, with a sacrifice of an animal for it's blood, as a way to atone their sins, each sin was equal to each other because God is no respecter of persons and he said no sin was greater than another in that scripture.

I admit also that I am not as familiar with the O.T. as I am with the Gospel. I have read it more and live by it and use the OT to help understand some of the verses that are subtle with their meaning, or need them to clarify something from the gospel.

This is how I look at it in a general way I guess,

I have read the OT a couple of times, and I always felt that God wanted everyone to love him and each other from early in the Hebrew book of Moses. I see the OT speak of Love and it reminds me of what Jesus had done by dying for my sins. The difference in the OT and the NT is Jesus. He kept his fathers desire to find away to get everyone to love each other and taught that the sin is and repentance were important,  but not as important than our loving everyone. I believe it is because he was part human while he was on earth, and his mother and Joseph would have been God's examples of who God wanted us to be, and it made Jesus see the way to help humans to understand what God wanted. He showed many human emotions while he was teaching his people like compassion and understanding. But when Jesus taught as much as was necessary for us to learn the sins to avoid, and how to avoid temptation, that was the time that he was to do his duty to his father, for his people's sake, and allow himself to be crucified for our sins, which meant we are all forgiven our sins, when we repent. He made it complete when blood dripping from his body "replaced" the sacrificing of animals to atone for each sin; I cannot imagine how it felt to have his son crucified and killed the human side for him, to bring us back together. I can't imagine how Abraham could have done what he did with Isaac, except I know that I can trust God just like he did. But not only the pain the Father felt, but think of how hard it would be not to walk away instead allowing himself, as they say, "to be led to the slaughter." I imagined every step he took knowing what was going to happen at the end of the line. Knowing how they were going to put nails into his hands and feet, stabbing him in his side as well. He knew the whole story to at the beginning of his journey what was happening to him before it did, and it would have taken a human an amazing trust in God to be able to "walk that last mile" - I can't imagine being either the Father or the Son in that situation. It would break my heart if I was watching any of my sons have to go through anything even remotely the same. Like it used to be for the family watching the people being hung. Except, you know, it was not for a sin Jesus died at all, it was for a sacrifice to our Father of the human side of his son for his children to be forgiven for their repented sins, along with so much more.

I also believe what I believe because I have personally experienced things that show God providing for us; to help in a hard situation; to give me Joy and there are so many times he gave me peace when I prayed for it. I can honestly see myself relaxing and feeling so calm even when it is a traumatic experience. When I need my burdens carried by Jesus, I forget about it before I leave the room where I pray. If I am extremely angry about something and needed to get over it, I pray for it, and I relax. And no what I have seen of God's blessings in my life, I will not accept that I am delusional or making it up, or anything else, I know what I have experienced and no one can say anything to try to convince me I did not experience it.

The Christian God that I know because of the bible, the only begotten son of God, Lord Jesus. I was never able to read the bible before I came to the church I am in, then when I read it, it was like it was my own way of speaking and I could read it fluently.

I can't tell you to believe; I can't force anyone to believe what I believe; But I can testify to God's presence in my life and I will stand firm in my faith about that. Anyone that believes can have his blessings in their lives, but it has to be looked for even in the simplest things. God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows your likes and dislikes, he knows what will make you sad, or smile.  When I look around me, I see nature as a blessing, I see a tiny flower and I believe it is a blessing; I watch a snail move maybe 2 inches, and it's a blessing. Having love in your life that includes faithfulness and loyalty is a blessing. My children were my biggest blessing and I did not know Jesus then, just God. Each child was God's Gift to me. He gave me each one as a blessing.

BTW Bob.
"I believe that if I know more people's way of looking and believing because of that view, I can get better understanding of the scriptures myself."

I guess I did not word it correctly: "I believe that if I know more people's reasons (with scripture) for believing in Jesus Christ., I can get a better understanding of the scriptures." that was what I meant by people's way of looking and believing because of that view. It was meant about believing in Jesus.

I understand and can see all the research you have done to decide not to have the belief in Jesus/God and it is probably an amazing amount of information, I salute you for being informed before you made a decision. At various times, I have tried to help you see what I believe and that is what I am supposed to do as my duty. I can't make you believe; I can't force you to believe, so all I can do is allow you your own beliefs, and I will stand by my beliefs, and that's ok. But I need to focus on understanding my place with God in my life so much and so clearly, right now along with helping the gays with Christians, I am focusing and drawing nearer. I won't believe what you say makes a difference to me; as I said, it is what I have experienced that makes me believe that God Is.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 09:53:43 pm by Sharon_at_home »
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

Walk daily with the Lord and learn his ways.

             We walk by faith, and not by sight.

Offline CrowFood

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2017, 09:28:47 pm »
Ok Crowfood,
I'm going to give them to you here since it does not look like I can attach them to a PM.

First one is a crow with full body  for one avatar. And the other is the head of a crow with food in it's mouth. Guess what I thought username that would be a great avatar for?

I am honoured that you will accept my photographs as your avatar.  ;D

Ironically, I believe this is a crow, but it is very confusing because it is brown and I think it has brown eyes. I'm asking friends if anyone can identify it but I think it is a crow. SMH it fits a crow better than any other bird.
Enjoy and let me know if you need any changes, or even another picture, of a crow or anything I have to offer.  I have photographs that are of anything that caught my eye wherever I walked with my dog. I have bees, wasps, dragon flies (did you know they have faces like we do?) snails, and squirrels Cardinals Blue Jays, and sparrows .. whole families of the last two birds.
Blue Jay babies look like pterodactyls when they are screaming to be fed. lol
I'm willing to make anything I have into an avatar if it's possible.
Enjoy and God bless!

Hehe. Thanks! I appreciate the thought :) And now I have an avatar!

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2017, 11:17:45 pm »
now I have an avatar!
If you need help with changing the size or anything else let me know Jocasta. It's not a problem for me to do it, Ok.  ;)

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

Walk daily with the Lord and learn his ways.

             We walk by faith, and not by sight.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2017, 11:35:57 pm »
Hehe. Thanks! I appreciate the thought :) And now I have an avatar!

Setting up avatars here isn't too straightforward.  You can't just upload the pictures.  You need to host them someplace like photobucket or imageshack, and then link to them.  I can help you if you need it.
Banana Monster ne répond plus!

Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2017, 04:12:14 am »
Amos responded to your comment at
“quoting GODS WORD is always an effective argument if a person is a Christian ..... the OT God and the NT God are the SAME GOD ............. the plan of salvation has not changed one iota .... we are saved by grace through faith .... every person ever saved OT and NT was saved in this manner ............. ALL SINS ARE DEATH ..... they are a violation of Gods law and the wages of sin IS DEATH ... Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. .... nothing has changed .........

Oddly enough I do not disagree with what Amos has written. However, I am certain we would disagree on the meaning of those words.

“SAME GOD” - old and new- yep. But Jesus was added to the team for anger management. All interactions go through Jesus.

“we are saved by grace” - agreed not by works (such as proselytizing or confronting sinners), not by confession of sins. Jesus looks into our hearts.

“the wages of sin IS DEATH” Original sin, to be human is to sin. To be human is to die. So to be human is to sin and to die. The price of living is death.

“but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ” Kind of a no brainer, you live, you die, you have eternal life in the resurrection. Oh and gifts are gifts. If you have to sit through the timeshare presentation it is not a free trip.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi