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Offline niam2023

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #60 on: July 26, 2018, 08:27:37 pm »
Meanwhile I'm living in California and every day I hear about the new harms being visited on Trump Country people, I laugh a little more.
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #61 on: July 26, 2018, 08:50:31 pm »
Yeah, and those tariffs are hitting Trump country. Those shitheads may hate the brown, the poor, the educated and the different but they like to eat. Stabbing your base in the hip pocket might not inspire you to vote for the other guy but it can inspire your base not to vote.

First of all, Trump’s base involves blue collar workers many of whom are considered poor, and there are also Black Trump supporters because Trump is stopping illegal immigrants from taking their jobs showing that it is Trump, not the Democrats that are in the best interests for blacks. Those in Trump country know that the long term benefits of the tariffs outweigh the temporary consequences because of keeping jobs and industries in America which is a benefit to the economy and the workers.
Aaannd if you have scitzhophrenic trade policy that's neither consistantly free trade or protectionist and all drunk you make the US an unsafe bet for setting up shop. Companies don't make long term bets based on how a manchild might react if he accidently geta triggered by CNN over cheeseburgers.

And Trump being the Trew Ande Noble Friend of The Blacks? Good one, not as funny as "oink," but close.

One thing I will grant you is,  if there was ever a POTUS thick enough to go along your frothing mad plans for an invasion of Britain-Trump's probably your best bet!

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #62 on: July 26, 2018, 10:04:51 pm »
Yeah, and those tariffs are hitting Trump country. Those shitheads may hate the brown, the poor, the educated and the different but they like to eat. Stabbing your base in the hip pocket might not inspire you to vote for the other guy but it can inspire your base not to vote.

First of all, Trump’s base involves blue collar workers many of whom are considered poor, and there are also Black Trump supporters because Trump is stopping illegal immigrants from taking their jobs showing that it is Trump, not the Democrats that are in the best interests for blacks. Those in Trump country know that the long term benefits of the tariffs outweigh the temporary consequences because of keeping jobs and industries in America which is a benefit to the economy and the workers.
Aaannd if you have scitzhophrenic trade policy that's neither consistantly free trade or protectionist and all drunk you make the US an unsafe bet for setting up shop. Companies don't make long term bets based on how a manchild might react if he accidently geta triggered by CNN over cheeseburgers.

And Trump being the Trew Ande Noble Friend of The Blacks? Good one, not as funny as "oink," but close.

One thing I will grant you is,  if there was ever a POTUS thick enough to go along your frothing mad plans for an invasion of Britain-Trump's probably your best bet!

It has both free trade and protectionism in that tariffs are imposed to get trading partners to renegotiate more fair free trade deals.

And Trump is a far better friend of the blacks than the Democrats who have a record of fighting for slavery in the civil war, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws. They only pretended to support black rights in the 1960s to get their votes, and have betrayed them for illegal immigrants.

Trump however probably would not want to invade Britain because of US-Britain relations. A better bet would be a secret member of a future organization that wishes to restore the rightful heir to the throne.

Offline dpareja

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2018, 10:07:55 pm »
1. Well it is said that breastfeeding is better than bottled milk for brain development. And newborn babies are dependent on their mother’s for survival despite not being inside the mother’s body.

2. Insurance and other family members can help pay for the birth and if she is really lacking resources, the child can be given up for adopted. And grief over death is different from mental trauma from rape.

3. The NIV is the only bible that translates thigh as miscarriage.

4. It could be made Law that while organ donation is optional for the most part, there has to be a certain minimum number of donors per year.

5. Yes teens will always fuck, but you can reduce the number of those that do by teaching abstinence and for those that do, the pregnancy will make the females realize, “Oh I shouldn’t fuck.”

6. Abortion is legal in the US under Roe vs Wade so when that gets repealed, it will go way down.

7. There is a populist right mood in the United States, since the economy is going well, and the unemployment rate is low. You are confusing the corrupt Establishment Republicans which Trump fought against during the primaries, with the right wing populist Republicans that support Trump’s agenda.

1. Did I deny that breastfeeding was preferable to bottle feeding? For fuck's sake you thick dimwit I said it was!

2. Insurance? Great, let's give everyone insurance. It's called "what every developed country has". As for family members, they should not be or feel obligated to put up any money, and with adoption, somebody's still got to foot the bill, and it's really, really sad when a mother has to give her child up for adoption because she literally can't afford to raise her kid. And mental trauma is still mental trauma. Situations change suddenly and an inflexible law would only exacerbate the situation.

3. Which means the NIV is the only translation that takes the Hebrew tradition on which the Mosaic law was based into account, and is therefore the only accurate translation of that passage.

4. So you are okay with forcing people to be organ donors if not enough people volunteer?

All right, here's another scenario. Some guy, let's call him John, develops a form of cancer which is almost certainly fatal without a transplant from a compatible donor. Unfortunately, due to John's circumstances, none of his family are compatible and the only potential donor who can be found is some other random guy named Michael. If Michael provides the needed tissue for the transplant, John will almost certainly survive the cancer. If Michael declines, John will almost certainly die within a few years, possibly even months. Can Michael be legally obligated to provide the tissue samples?

5. I do not object to teaching abstinence. As I said, the only (near-)surefire ways of avoiding pregnancy (and STIs) are abstinence and masturbation. (Well, unless you believe the fables of parthenogenesis.) What is evil is teaching only abstinence. That has proven to be an utter failure, while comprehensive sex ed works.

6. If the Supreme Court is evil enough to reduce women to being human incubation vats at the whim of male- and fundamentalist-dominated governments (that latter in direct contradiction to the very first part of the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom from religion--freedom of religion is second), that is on their despicable heads, but if they are so arrogant as even to restrict states from deciding on the legality of abortion within their borders, then they are immediately worthy of impeachment. But even if Roe v. Wade, and, more relevantly, Doe v. Bolton and Planned Parenthood v. Casey are overturned, the major effect will be a shift toward unsafe abortions, putting far more women's lives at risk than under the current legal scheme. The most sensible path is full legalization with all possible efforts directed at reducing the demand for abortion, such as those that I suggested--and which, I note, you did not respond to, despite my asking as a direct question and citing the relevant forum rule.

7. There is a populist mood. When you look at the policy polls, it's crystal clear that that mood is populist left--but, since the Democratic establishment is utterly incompetent, the right has been able to hijack that populism and trick people into voting against their own self-interest via appeals to racism and xenophobia.

And again, I asked you a direct question. You did not even acknowledge it.

Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2018, 10:54:17 pm »
Your secret is not, you keep screeching it at people who hate you.

It's less about the tarrifs themselves than the demented, orange infant implementing them. Your lunatic prez onlu recently contradicted himself in the space of 24 hours calling for Europe and America to drop all trade barriers simultaneously then rapidly changing course. Madman theory may have some value in war, in business it spells "insecure investment."

The Democrats, pre and post Southern Strategy are different beasts and you know it you disingenuous choad and the biggest danger to African Americans isn't Mexican fruitpickers but trigger-happy white cops.

The only way to ensure future POTUS'es are as dumb as the current one would be enforced lobotomies, that or forcing them to listen to your YouTube brainfarts on a loop while locked in solitary which amounts to the same thing.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #65 on: July 27, 2018, 09:30:04 am »
2. These situations are horrible situations but the murder of the baby makes it far more horrible.

3. As I said, the Jewish traditions changed over time and the traditions they had when the Talmud was written is different from the traditions they had during the time of the Torah. So the NIV follows later Jewish tradition, not ancient Israelite tradition(Judah was only one of the 12 tribes)

4. As I said, people have rights to not donate their organs, but in these specific situations they should have to.

5. But not teaching abstinence only  is a further encouragement to have more sex. While some teens will have sex, the strategy should be to reduce as much sex people have as possible.

6. As I said, Trumpcare can reduce the demand, to reduce the number of illegal abortions. What matters is reducing the number of deaths, and the number of the babies, and the evil women who die from unsafe abortions, will be far less than the number of babies who die under legal abortion.

7. Right, people realized and are realizing how corrupt the Democrat establishment is, due to how they rigged the primaries to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning among other things, causing a shift to the populist right.

I support maternity and paternity leave because it is in the best interests of the children. In terms of social supports, I support private charities giving people those supports.

And as for the Southern Strategy, well Wikipedia says this about it

“This view has been questioned by historians such as Matthew Lassiter, Kevin M. Kruse and Joseph Crespino, who have presented an alternative, "bottom up" narrative, which Lassiter has called the "suburban strategy". This narrative recognizes the centrality of racial backlash to the political realignment of the South,[8] but suggests that this backlash took the form of a defense of de facto segregation in the suburbs rather than overt resistance to racial integration and that the story of this backlash is a national rather than a strictly Southern one.”

“Matthew Lassiter says: "A suburban-centered vision reveals that demographic change played a more important role than racial demagoguery in the emergence of a two-party system in the American South".[89][90][91] Lassiter argues that race-based appeals cannot explain the GOP shift in the South while also noting that the real situation is far more complex.[92][93][94][95]

Kalk and Tindall separately argue that Nixon's Southern strategy was to find a compromise that on race would take the issue house of politics, allowing conservatives in the South to rally behind his grand plan to reorganize the national government.”

“Kotlowski argues that Nixon's overall civil rights record was on the whole responsible and that Nixon tended to seek the middle ground. He campaigned as a moderate in 1968, pitching his appeal to the widest range of voters. Furthermore, he continued this strategy as President. As a matter of principle, says Kotlowski, he supported integration of schools.”

“According to Lassiter, political scientists and historians point out, that the timing does not fit the "Southern strategy" model. Nixon carried 49 states in 1972, so he operated a successful national rather than regional strategy. but the Republican Party remained quite weak at the local and state level across the entire South for decades. Lassiter argues that Nixon's appeal was not to the Wallacites or segregationists, but rather to the rapidly emerging suburban middle class. Many had Northern antecedents, wanted rapid economic growth and saw the need to put backlash politics to rest. Lassiter says the Southern strategy was a "failure" for the GOP and that the Southern base of the Republican Party "always depended more on the middle-class corporate economy and on the top-down politics of racial backlash". Furthermore, realignment in the South "came primarily from the suburban ethos of New South metropolises such as Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, not to the exportation of the working-class racial politics of the Black Belt".[102]”

Besides, most of the racist Southern Democrat politicians, stayed Democrat’s their whole life. Margaret Sanger was a mentor to Hillary Clinton.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #66 on: July 27, 2018, 09:34:18 am »
Your secret is not, you keep screeching it at people who hate you.

It's less about the tarrifs themselves than the demented, orange infant implementing them. Your lunatic prez onlu recently contradicted himself in the space of 24 hours calling for Europe and America to drop all trade barriers simultaneously then rapidly changing course. Madman theory may have some value in war, in business it spells "insecure investment."

The Democrats, pre and post Southern Strategy are different beasts and you know it you disingenuous choad and the biggest danger to African Americans isn't Mexican fruitpickers but trigger-happy white cops.

The only way to ensure future POTUS'es are as dumb as the current one would be enforced lobotomies, that or forcing them to listen to your YouTube brainfarts on a loop while locked in solitary which amounts to the same thing.

In my previous comment, I explained how the Democrats post Southern Strategy are the same beasts. They only pretended to support black rights as a strategy to enslave them with their vote. Lyndon Johnson even called the Civil rights act the “Negro Bill.” The Democrats certainly did not help blacks rise from poverty.

And the Mexican illegals are a threat to the blacks because they are taking their jobs. Many of the blue collar workers are blacks.

Offline dpareja

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #67 on: July 27, 2018, 10:29:23 am »
2. I agree that abortion should be a last resort, which is why I support measures that reduce demand.

3. Other translations still talk about the woman's belly swelling and her being rendered infertile.

4. So you don't believe in the right to bodily autonomy. Got it. Glad you admitted that.

5. And teaching abstinence-only does not greatly (if at all) reduce the rate at which teens have sex, but it does vastly increase the rate at which they have unsafe sex. You can both teach comprehensive sex ed and that abstinence and masturbation are the most certain ways of avoiding pregnancy and STIs.

6. So you're fine with women dying for getting abortions. Fuck off.

7. Look at policy polls. The mood of the country is populist and the policies the people want are left-wing policies. The Democratic establishment is, on many issues, particularly economic and foreign policy, to the right of most developed democracies' conservative parties. There's a reason Sanders and Warren are the most popular politicians in your country.

And I'm glad to know you support maternity and paternity leave (paid, I hope). As for social supports, quite simply, private charities do not have the reach and scope the government has, both in terms of reaching those in need and raising funds. Everyone has to pay taxes to the government(s); when I do, I expect to get something in return, like health insurance and welfare should I need it at some point.

And two RNC chairmen admitted that the Southern Strategy existed: Ken Mehlman and Michael Steele.

Now fuck off, you pathetic Dinesh D'Souza wannabe.

Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #68 on: July 27, 2018, 01:39:19 pm »
2. I agree that abortion should be a last resort, which is why I support measures that reduce demand.

3. Other translations still talk about the woman's belly swelling and her being rendered infertile.

4. So you don't believe in the right to bodily autonomy. Got it. Glad you admitted that.

5. And teaching abstinence-only does not greatly (if at all) reduce the rate at which teens have sex, but it does vastly increase the rate at which they have unsafe sex. You can both teach comprehensive sex ed and that abstinence and masturbation are the most certain ways of avoiding pregnancy and STIs.

6. So you're fine with women dying for getting abortions. Fuck off.

7. Look at policy polls. The mood of the country is populist and the policies the people want are left-wing policies. The Democratic establishment is, on many issues, particularly economic and foreign policy, to the right of most developed democracies' conservative parties. There's a reason Sanders and Warren are the most popular politicians in your country.

And I'm glad to know you support maternity and paternity leave (paid, I hope). As for social supports, quite simply, private charities do not have the reach and scope the government has, both in terms of reaching those in need and raising funds. Everyone has to pay taxes to the government(s); when I do, I expect to get something in return, like health insurance and welfare should I need it at some point.

And two RNC chairmen admitted that the Southern Strategy existed: Ken Mehlman and Michael Steele.

Now fuck off, you pathetic Dinesh D'Souza wannabe.

3. Swelling of the belly does not mean miscarriage, and becoming in fertile means not being able to have the child conceived in the first place.

5. Well for teens who have sex teen pregnancy will make teen girls realize, “Oh If I have sex, this will happen.”

6. I’m not fine with women and children dying from abortions, but the overall number of deaths would be less.

7. It depends on the region of the country. Trump still has support in states outside of Massachusetts and California.

There are lots of private charity organizations, as well as sites such as GoFundMe, and Pay Pal.

Of course the Southern Strategy existed, but what I quoted from Wikipedia, shows it appealed to the suburban voters, not the segregationists, was based on seeking a middle ground, and that race was not the primary cause of the party shift in the South as it was a gradual shift and the South still remained Democrat for a while after that.

Offline dpareja

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #69 on: July 27, 2018, 02:20:44 pm »
3. And you're still ignoring Hebrew tradition.

5. And they fuck anyway. Better that they do so safely than unsafely. Teenagers are far less capable of making rational decisions than adults, especially when they've been indoctrinated practically since birth to believe lies, as they are across the US South.

6. And I'm not fine with women being reduced to incubator vats.

7. Trump's approval rating might hit 45% on a good day, and populist left policies have support everywhere in the country.

As for private charities, again, those do not have the same reach and scope as governments do, and crowdfunding campaigns reach their goals less than one-third of the time. They are not, ultimately, a viable alternative. I pay taxes--I want services.

As for the Southern Strategy, it shifted Presidentially almost immediately. (It started in 1964, shifted even more in 1968, and only went back in 1976 because Carter was from Georgia, and in 1992 and 1996 because Clinton was from Arkansas and Perot was a spoiler. Only recently have some of those states, like Virginia and North Carolina, moved back from solidly Republican to swing.) With Congress, incumbency (and control of state legislatures in order to draw the maps) is a very powerful thing. And, as I said, both Mehlman and Steele admitted that it happened and that it was racist.

Also, it's the Democratic Party. Get it right, you ignoramus.

Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #70 on: July 27, 2018, 07:22:20 pm »
3. And you're still ignoring Hebrew tradition.

5. And they fuck anyway. Better that they do so safely than unsafely. Teenagers are far less capable of making rational decisions than adults, especially when they've been indoctrinated practically since birth to believe lies, as they are across the US South.

6. And I'm not fine with women being reduced to incubator vats.

7. Trump's approval rating might hit 45% on a good day, and populist left policies have support everywhere in the country.

As for private charities, again, those do not have the same reach and scope as governments do, and crowdfunding campaigns reach their goals less than one-third of the time. They are not, ultimately, a viable alternative. I pay taxes--I want services.

As for the Southern Strategy, it shifted Presidentially almost immediately. (It started in 1964, shifted even more in 1968, and only went back in 1976 because Carter was from Georgia, and in 1992 and 1996 because Clinton was from Arkansas and Perot was a spoiler. Only recently have some of those states, like Virginia and North Carolina, moved back from solidly Republican to swing.) With Congress, incumbency (and control of state legislatures in order to draw the maps) is a very powerful thing. And, as I said, both Mehlman and Steele admitted that it happened and that it was racist.

Also, it's the Democratic Party. Get it right, you ignoramus.

3. I am ignoring the Talmudic Jewish Tradition of the false religion of Judaism, not the ancient Hebrew Tradition.

5.  I am saying if a teen girl has sex and is impregnated, and goes through the burden of having to give birth, then she will realize the consequences of extramarital sex because she will not want to have to go through that burden again.

6. And I and God are not fine with babies getting murdered which is far worse than women having to give birth.

7. An approval rating in the 40s is an the typical average Presidential approval rating.

And it took a lot longer for the seats in Congress to switch to Republican.

“ A total of 21 Democrats in the Senate opposed the Civil Rights Act.  Only one of them, "Dixiecrat" Strom Thurmond, ever became a Republican.  The rest, including Al Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd--a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan--remained Democrats until the day they died.

Moreover, as those 20 lifelong Democrats retired, their Senate seats remained in Democrat hands for several decades afterwards.  So too did the overwhelming majority of the House seats in the South until 1994, when a Republican wave election swept the GOP into control of the House for the first time since 1952.  1994 was also the first time Republicans ever held a majority of House seats in the South--a full 30 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act. 

From there, Republicans gradually built their support in the South until two more wave elections in 2010 and 2014 gave them the overwhelming majorities they enjoy today.”

Melman and Steele did that for political correctness.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #71 on: July 27, 2018, 08:17:34 pm »
They "built their support" by offering what the Dixiecrats offered in terms of easing Southern white racial insecurities, not being the Dixiecrats. It's called  trading principles to give constituants what they want.

What amazes me is we have here a guy who insists that political parties, dependent as they are on the shifting winds of politics, have unchanging platforms chisled in stone but religious tradition is always altering whenever it suits his argument but unchanging when it doesn't.

Offline dpareja

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #72 on: July 27, 2018, 10:41:46 pm »
3. Considering that your batshit insanity is largely the batshit insanity of Judaism with more batshit insanity heaped on top, I don't think you have any leg to stand on in calling Judaism "false".

5. That still means she got pregnant once, the likelihood of which could have been dramatically lessened with comprehensive sex education, and the second part of your claim is laughably false, since repeat teen pregnancies absolutely occur. (Like in Texas, which has the highest rate of any state in the US... and abstinence-only sex "education".)

6. Your "God" does not exist (a god might, but it ain't yours), so it's your word against mine and given how absolutely fucking nuts you are, your word is worth absolutely diddly-squat.

7. According to Gallup, Barack Obama never went below 40% ( and spent about a third of his Presidency above 50%. By contrast, Donald Trump's peak is 46%. (

And yes, it took time to build up support, and the Republicans did that in part by stoking racial tensions and hatreds, partly in response to Northern Democrats' support for the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. They had much quicker results in Presidential elections (where Goldwater won five states the first time out) than in Congressional elections, because of the power of incumbency and map-drawing.

You sound like Dinesh D'Souza, whose "career" is based on (shitty, because there are no good arguments for religion) Christian apologetics and denying that the political inversion took place, and so, like him, you are, as always...

Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #73 on: July 27, 2018, 11:38:42 pm »
Just finished some horrifying reading on the secret mass grave dug by the Catholic staff containing 800 bodies of the kids they were supposed to protect. Want more Catholic examples of loving child protection, how about these doctors excommunicated for performing a life saving procedure on a nine year old girl? The RCC's policies are all over these abominations done in the name of children when it's pretty clear they couldn't give a toss if children lived or died.

And we aren't even talking about the disease-related suffering caused by banning contraceptives in Africa and the coverup of predatory priests. Again, it's not the babbies, it's the bitterness. Hating what they can't control.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 12:35:38 am by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline dpareja

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Re: What the Bible says about masturbation.
« Reply #74 on: July 28, 2018, 12:10:59 am »
Your opposition to comprehensive sex education puts the lie to all of your moralizing about abortion.

You want to control women. You don't want them having sex, probably because it's icky and scary to you, and when they do you want to punish them. You know full well that abstinence-only fails and comprehensive works, but that's the feature, not the bug, since you want a system that fails because while they'll fuck either way, with abstinence-only they'll be punished for it, and then you continue to punish them by turning them into nothing more than incubation vats and then chaining them to a child for the next eighteen years (when they could be getting a postsecondary education and starting on a good career that would give them independence and the freedom to chart their own courses in life) while not giving them stable social supports by forcing them to rely on private charities (most of which will proselytize to them and might not do shit for them unless they convert and indoctrinate their kid to boot, because you need that four-to-fourteen window).

Fuck you, Jacob. You are a pathetic piece of barely-human trash.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.